Saturday, December 8, 2007
A couple more restored files
Grunge Edge Alpha
Grunge Edge Set 2
Sunday, November 11, 2007
More files back and available again!
Dream Trip Hidden Mouse Swirls Paper Pack
Dream Trip Ribbons 1
Dream Trip Monogram Mouse Paper (both versions)
Not So Random Circles
The Semicircle 8 Picture template
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
New template!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Chat tonight and a freebie

As part of my time as the Featured Designer at Digitals, I'll be at tonight's chat. It's at 9 PM Eastern. Stop by and you can get the download link for the most recent set of grung frames. (These are the same frames I was giving away as a thank-you to those who applied for my CT.) I had a lot of fun at the last chat, so I hope you can stop by. :)
Friday, October 19, 2007
New FREE kit available over the next 2 weeks (Edited with link)

Friday, October 12, 2007
Brand new freebie!!

Celebrate with me the fact that I am *finally* done with all the projects and deadlines that I've had to meet over the past couple of months! :D One of my CT members came up with the basic theme for this paper set, so thanks, Teresa, for the inspiration. Hope it helps you with your upcoming Not So Scary Halloween Party Pictures. :) You can download it here:
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Everything will be back! :)
****ETA: The newest files are now up; a lot of files have had "LINK RETURNING SOON" added to let you know they are not up yet. If it has a link now, it means I have not gotten around to updating the information in it yet, or else the link is new & should work.****
The good news is that once October is over, I *hope* things will settle down for me and we'll see some new blog stuff. It might be sooner, but I don't want to get anyone's hopes up. I've got a rush project for Digitals which is taking up my designing time right now. (And my designing time's been in short supply lately!)
Friday, September 28, 2007
Chat with me tonight, plus I'm having a BIG sale!
Friday, September 7, 2007
New kit

Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Here's where I am! :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007
If you are in the Dallas area...
Sunday, August 19, 2007
If you missed it the first time... (Scroll down for a new freebie today, btw.)
New gold frame available for download

I went back & reworked one of my older layouts from last year, and I made this new gold frame for it. It's a bit of an odd ratio (about 8 inches wide by 7 1/2 inches tall), but it may resize somewhat without looking "weird". :) If you'd like it, you can download it here:
Saturday, August 18, 2007
New Ribbons In Bloom ribbon set

I created one of these ribbons for a layout, and I decided I should just go ahead and make a whole set while I was at it. :) These are .jpgs, so there's no shadows added to the files. (There are shadows on the contact sheet, as you can tell.) Affordable and pretty, it's a very colorful accent for layouts. You can view it here:
Seebee's Freebies Basics Photo Clusters for PS/PSE

Now available, these are a rework, of sorts. I took some of the frames from the Old Photo Edges, recolored them and stretched them a bit, and arranged them into clusters of 3 and 5 with custom shadows. (You can delete the shadow layers, if you wish.) Just group your photos to the picture squares by making sure your photo is above that gray-colored square layer. Then, hit Control-G (PSCS2 is Control-Alt-G, and possibly the same way for CS3) to confine the picture to the gray-square. Either open your pictures and add them to the template separately from your layout, then Merge Visible and drag that layer to your layout. Or you can drag all the layers of the template onto your work and add the photos there. You can download it here:
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Take Notes Journaling Mats now available

Now available at Digitals! ( These are fun little journaling boxes/mats that with that kind of back-to-school feel. :) Fairly inexpensive & cute! Five styles, and each style has both horizontal & vertical versions.
And thanks to Angela for pointing out my little, um...flaw. :D I think it's fixed now. "Everyone makes mistakes" would be my lesson of the day.
New Dream Trip Retro Paper Pack

And now for something completely different. :) Here's a set of 5 coordinating papers with a dash of 50s-60s styling thrown in. Not much more to say other than I hope you enjoy it! You can download it here:
Friday, August 10, 2007
Dream Trip Apprentice Redo Paper Pack

Thursday, August 9, 2007
A comment on comments
And tomorrow there will be a revamped Dream Trip paper pack available for download. I'm very happy with it, and I think you'll like it, too.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
New product! (Scroll down for today's freebie)

Now available exclusively at Digitals! ( This kit started out as a simple, non-birthday themed paper pack, and then took on a life of its own. :) Also, I am currently scheduled to host the Designers Element challenge at Digitals next month, and the mini kit will feature *free* companion pieces to this kit. I'm also in the process of scheduling my first crop/chat, and there'll be a free goodie with that, too. :D
Thanks for visiting; hope you're having a great day!
Seebee's Freebies Stitch Set 3

I finished up the new stitch templates this morning. (Let's all say "thanks" to my kids for sleeping in!) Both of these templates have more space available than what is shown. For instance, I could have cut the bracket/parenthesis to take up most of the page, but I dragged it off the page to take up less room. You can either group the template to your paper if you're using PS/PSE, or use the solid-colored template with the Magic Wand to create a selection based on the template shape and cut your paper in that shape. I've included the .psd layered file for PS/PSE users, and then the stitches and templates are in separate .png files, as well. (The papers shown, btw, are from my new Date of Birth kit which should be available starting today at Digitals.) Download the Stitch Set here:
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Yes, I still exist. :)
Thursday, July 26, 2007
free Swirl Journaling Lines

Ok, so I called this "Swirl Journaling Box" in the download. Box...lines...whatever. :) I needed a complimentary set of lines to go with this layout, so I put this together & figured I'd offer it. You get the black lines with the semi-transparent white swirl in the background, in .png format. The swirls on the picture are from my personal collection and I don't have them available anywhere yet. The "SWEETNESS" bar code & cardboard is from a new embellishment set which I hope to have up at Digitals by the end of the week. The paper is from the Flowerpress paper pack.
You can download the Swirl Journaling Lines/Box here: LINK RETURNING SOON
Monday, July 23, 2007
New Dream Trip Quilt Paper Set

I've had a sample of paper lying around my house for about a year now, with this quilt-style pattern that I really wanted to copy. Today I *finally* sat down & did it. I also added 3 complimentary solids to go with it. You can download it here:
Also, I've been meaning to mention that I did a beginner scrapbook tutorial over at Digitals. It's a very, very basic tutorial about creating your first layout with Photoshop Elements. It's nothing fancy, but if you know someone who wants to learn how to scrap with PSE, this may be a good starting point. You can look at it here:
Friday, July 20, 2007
Seebee's Freebies Dream Trip Beaded Wire embellishment

Here's a little something I was working on. I wanted to do a whole bunch of these, but it took longer to get the words connected than I would like. So, I'll offer this first one, and if I get the time I may work on some more. This one says "The Fairest One of All". You can use it as a simple embellishment, a frame for a circular picture, or even erase a bit of the wire to thread it through a hole. :) There is a tiny amount of shadowing on the beads, but there was more shadowing for the contact sheet only. You can download it here: LINK RETURNING SOON
Thursday, July 19, 2007
CT list and Dream Trip news

Here's the first batch of Bees! :) Thanks again to everyone who applied; you all did great!
I'm currently working on a new little Dream Trip freebie, so that should be up by the weekend, at the latest. Actually, I think it's almost done now, but it will depend on how much time I have to finish it & get it uploaded. (My kids are usually the deciding factor in this. :D)
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Working on the CT list
Friday, July 13, 2007
CT deadline tonight
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
New product, freebie, and CT reminder

Monday, July 9, 2007

Now available exclusively at Digitals. ( This is the paper pack I was referring to in the previous message; the new free graph papers match this set. This set also marks the debut of my line of JournalEverywhere papers; two such papers are included, and you can even see a layout featuring the light blue one here: . (It's a funny little story about my son when he was a baby.)
And if you haven't picked up the graph papers, scroll down to the previous message. Thanks for looking!
Sunday, July 8, 2007

Now available for personal scrapbook use only. Have you noticed that graph paper seems to be hot right now? These two coordinate with my Dotty Doodle kit colors, plus I have another paper pack coming out this week that also matches this. But even without other coordinating paper, they're nice to have around. :) You can download it here:
Also, don't forget you have less than a week to apply for a spot on my Creative Team! The deadline is this Friday at 11:59 PM Central time. If you need details, scroll down this page a bit and look for the Diana Jean kit.
Friday, July 6, 2007
New Quickpage set; discounted today only

Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Storewide sale at Digitals
Thursday, June 28, 2007
CT call and free kit download

CT call coming soon
Monday, June 25, 2007
new Dream Trip Labelmaker Frames

Friday, June 22, 2007
Ink Swirl Alpha moving
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Free date marking system available

I came up with the idea for this dating system last night while I was looking through some magazines. I may end up reworking it, though, since I want to change the days to words to differentiate it from the years. BTW, I used two digits for the years, so "00" can mean either 1900 or 2000. I figure the look of the picture will give some clue as to which date it's supposed to represent. :) The file is a .png in black. I can think of several ways to mark out the date you want. In this layout, I changed the blend mode to Soft Light and then selected out the date numbers I needed and gave them each their own layer. Then, the blend mode was changed back to normal and I inversed the color to white. (Ctrl-I is the inverse shortcut.) I finally added an exaggerated height to the shadow to make them look like they were floating off the page. The paper is from my Dotty Doodle Paper Pack (recolored), the font is Two Peas Wedding Day, and the tear is from Atomic Cupcake. You can download the Page Edge Date Marker here: LINK RETURNING SOON
Monday, June 18, 2007
New Sparkle Journaling Lines Set
So, what's going on? :)
New e-mail address available
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Behind the scenes
Friday, June 15, 2007
Sale today , LO Share and a little freebie

Here's a layout I just finished. I've been doing example layouts for my next paper pack (the Neutrality Paper Pack), plus I used a paper from The Sparkle Pack. And it wasn't until I was working on this that I realized there was a stamp for the Dream Trip Stamped Sayings pack that I never got around to making. So, I spent some time this morning creating it for this layout, and you can add it to your collection, as well. The Ticket To Ride stamp is in .png format, and you can download it here: Note that the place where I put the date is blank on the stamp, so you can add your own date or other dialog. For the date I used the font "Chelt Press Light", which is a stamp that has a bit of a rubber stamped look to it.
Also, today's the big sale day at Digitals! My stuff is 25% off, and it looks like some of the other designers are selling around 25-30% off, as well. My prices are starting at $1.50 for the You and Me Word Art, which is a nice little pack. (In fact, I just used it yesterday.) Take a look if you get a chance, and have a great weekend!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Sale on Friday!
Monday, June 11, 2007
New paper at Digitals and a free bonus here!

Friday, June 8, 2007
new Dream Trip papers

For personal scrapbook use only. Everybody needs neutrals, right? I just thought it would be nice to make a couple of papers that were subtle and work with a lot of different types of LOs. If you've got a lot of pictures, or many different colors happening in your photos, these may be just the ticket. Download them here:, if anybody in the DFW area is going to GASC in Arlington, I'll be at the Saturday night crop and I'll see you there! :)
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
LO Shares and a new product

Friday, June 1, 2007
More stitches? Yup!

Here's another set of "X" stitches, plus 2 templates so you can cut/shape your paper to the stitch. If you're using PS or PSE, you can group the paper to the template. Other programs would probably work by using a tool like the Magic Wand to create a selection based on the shape. Sorry I can't be more helpful about other programs.
Note that shadows were added to the contact sheet; the stitches do not come with shadows.
Download it here:
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Seebee's Freebies Stitch Set 1

Here's another set with stitches. First, the 5 x 7 inch rounded corner stitch "frame" comes without a shadow; one was added to the contact sheet for visibility's sake. I also have 2 versions of the second stitch, the multi stitch. You can use the unshadowed version with your own shadowing, and I have also provided a version with shadows & highlights. I've included a page edge shadow, too. If you look at the contact sheet where the two papers meet, you'll see some shadowing & highlights that make little puckers around where the stitches hit. That is in the page shadow. (If you're not using the stitch to join two pieces of paper, you probably don't need it.) Just place the shadow below your paper layer and line it up with the stitching. I've left the opacity of that file up higher than it really should be, in order to help you place it. I definitely recommend lowering the opacity on it once you're happy with the placement.
I based that multi stitch on a very odd source: my cargo capri pants that are my favorite lounging pants. LOL! BTW, after making it and placing it on the contact sheet, it's my opinion that the stitch is a bit tall. When I tested squishing it down with the transform handles, it squished very nicely. :) The contact shows it unsquished, though.
Download it here:
Monday, May 28, 2007
Layout Share today

I've spent the past couple of days doing a lot of computer backup work, but I took some time yesterday to do this layout of my daughter's second birthday. I'm happy to say I've FINALLY uploaded some layouts to be printed; I've been very neglectful of printing lately. See, this is why I'm wanting my next big purchase to be an Epson R1800 printer. :D Anyways, since I had a lot of pictures to scrap, I did this layout "magazine style", so there's not a lot of embellishments. You'll notice the recent journaling strips, and I used a retinted portion of a Girly Girl paper. Fonts are CAC Pinafore, Rebecca Script, and Denise Sans. LOL, I just realized I forgot the date, but hopefully it's implied these were taken on her birthday.
I had an idea for a Dream Trip embellishment, but I'm not so sure I like how it turned out. So, I'll try to rework it & see how it goes. I've also got plans for a couple more stitched elements and something else, so there should be a new download or two in the next week.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Pick your poison! :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Dream Trip paper freebie

Just 1 paper to share this time. This one is supposed to coordinate with the Dream Trip Monogram Mouse ribbon from a recent post. Actually, I'm not so sure I like this one. Ok, I sort of do. Ok, I really can't decide! LOL! Anyways, it's yours if you want it. :) Download it here:
Everybody wish my baby "happy birthday"! She turns two tomorrow (Thursday the 24th). :) Hope you have a great day, and thanks for visiting!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Seebee's Freebies Stitched Circles

Thursday, May 17, 2007
The return of yesterday's freebie plus a bonus

Yesterday's snafu was indeed a naming problem; 4share's bot caught the word "strip" in the title and shut it down. LOL! Ok, it's renamed and I also added this fabric strip to the download. Two for the price of one! :) Here's the new download link:
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Ok, the deal with the freebie today & some Digitals news
Speaking of freebies, due to Digitals recent site problems, we're having a sort of "Customer Appreciation" time there. Several designers have offered up a few free gifts, and I am in the process of putting up the alpha I used in the layout I posted earlier today. Can I just say how much I LOVE that alpha? :D I was very pleased with the way it turned out, and it's a complete upper & lower case alpha, plus 0-9 and more punctuation marks than I've offered in my other alphas. I'll put up a post when it's available so you can snag it.
Tiny Freebie today

This one will probably be most helpful to someone just starting out, since I suppose many of these journaling strips are all over the place. :) I actually don't own too many of them myself, so I created this one for a layout I just did. This is a small .jpg file so it won't take up much hard drive space.
So...let's update, shall we? I'm in a stitching mood lately! I've got plans for a couple of circular stitch embellishments for this blog, plus I have an entire lovely alpha coming soon as a *freebie* to Digitals, I hope. :)
UPDATE: I had a problem with 4shared yesterday, but here's the link:
Monday, May 14, 2007
Digitals store is back (almost)
Sunday, May 13, 2007
New freebie: Dream Trip Lace Ribbons

Ok, here's some irony. About a week ago, I came up with the idea to do some sort of lace eyelet-style ribbon. I created something and wasn't too happy with it, so I didn't post it. Well, on Wednesday or Thursday, I got my monthly tutorial from Scrapper's Guide, and guesss what it's about? Eyelet lace. LOL! So, after watching, I went back & reworked things and I'm a bit happier with the results this time. This is a set of 2 .png ribbon files. I went ahead and added a little shadowing to the edge since the transparency of the lace makes for tricky shadows. (BTW, if you're new to the blog, the stickpin on the contact sheet is offered in one of my previous posts.) The two ribbons are Mouse Swirl and Monogram Mouse. And you can download it here:
One other thing: we just got word that Digitals is having to rebuild the store database due to file corruption. :( So, they're working hard to get the store back up but it could take anywhere from 2-3 days. Just fyi. I do have a new product ready to add to the store once it's back up, and I'm pretty excited about it. :) You can get a preview by visiting my Digitals gallery here: