Sunday, January 14, 2007

Seebee's Freebies Dream Trip Mountains Paper Pack

Papers with artistic representations of some of Florida's most famous mountains. :) (Forgive my liberal use of the word "artistic"!) Download them here:


luvmykidz said...

Thanks for sharing your Dream Kit pieces. They are all beautiful. I am so excited! We are taking the kids to Disney World for the first time in May. I have been looking online for Disney digital scrapbooking kits for several months with no luck. I have found tons of paper kits and elements but nothing digital. I am looking forward to whatever else you create and share. Thanks again!!!

luvmykidz said...

Thanks for sharing your Dream Kit pieces. I am so excited. We are going there for the first time in May and I have been looking for Disney digital scrapbooking kits for several months. I have found tons of paper stuff but nothing Disney. I am looking forward to whatever else you create.

Anonymous said...

Hey!! omg!! love them all!!
thnxs so much!!!

Anonymous said...

looking forward to other kits!! :D
specially from Disney! :D thnxs againn

Anonymous said...

Thanks,,they are great.

guinan22 said...

I am loving these Dream Trip freebies. Thank you!

Dana said...

More great papers !! Thank you so much

Michelle said...

Thank you so much!

I used your star circle on a LO:

I'm just getting started scrapping our trip!

Thanks again!

JoAnn said...

These are so cool! :) Thank you for the papers!

dianagrind said...

Really, these are so good. Keep up the great work. TFS.

Peggie said...

These are great papers. Thank you.
I'm gonna dig out our Disney pictures.

linnie-818 said...

These papers are great. I really like the story-book quality to them. They should make the most interesting layouts. Thanks for sharing!

jburkhart said...

Too cute! Thank you for these papers, too!

Wonderful job!

Joy said...

Thank you for the fun papers. This is such a wonderful kit!