In case you've been checking for a new post, I've been doing a little behind the scenes work today instead. Plus, my vacation is very close, so I've got stuff to do for that. No new items today. I believe I will have one more Dream Trip addition before my vacation, so look for something in the next couple of days. :)
And when I get back, look for a big announcement. :D There's a hint over there. >>>>>
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Seebee's Freebies Dream Trip Pirates and Cowpokes Paper Pack

For personal use only. Wow, how long was that title? LOL! I'd like to thank my husband for pulling his old cowboy hat out of storage so I could photograph it! I admit that I'm happy with the way these turned out. :) Hope you are, too! You can download them here:
Monday, January 29, 2007
Seebee's Freebies Dream Trip Circle Grunge Frames

For personal use only. Here's the circle version of the Dream Trip Grunge Frame set. The download is large, but so are the frames! I went ahead and made them fairly large, because I figure it's always easier to size down than up. The gold version is pretty close to the actual size in comparison to a 12 x 12 inch, 300 ppi digipage. Anways, download them here:
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Seebee's Freebies Grunge Edge Alpha

I saw a similar alpha on somebody's layout and knew I had to try to create something like it for myself. :) Sorry, but I've felt grungy lately! LOL! I think the best part is that you could vary the colors fairly easily. If you're using PS/PSE, use the Hue/Saturation adjustment. Hit the colorize button, then slide the lightness slider up to change the color of the edge, or down to change the color of the inside. Or, just choose control + i to invert the colors and have a white edged black alpha. I made the letters nice & big, too, as you can see from the contact sheet. Download it here:
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Seebee's Freebies Dream Trip Grunge Frame Set

For personal use only. Here's a small set of grunge frames in the Dream Trip series. Don't forget you can invert the colors on the black Hidden Mouse frame, or recolor it to something else. :) Download them here:
Friday, January 26, 2007
Seebee's Freebies Dream Trip Photo Corners

For personal use only. Here's a set of photo corners in the Dream Trip series. Each corner is 300 ppi, and is approximately 1 1/4 inches square. As you can see, most were enlarged slightly on the contact sheet, but if you need a frame of reference, the Magician's Apprentice appear as the actual size ratio that they appear on a 12 x 12 inch, 300 ppi LO. I also added a few new patterns into the mix this time; look for references to Cars, Tigger, Goofy, and Donald. (The zebra is for those Not-A-Zoo theme park pics. Or any zoo or animal pics you like!) :) Download them here:
Thursday, January 25, 2007
A clarification about the Dream Trip Frames
On a couple of examples on the Dream Trip Frames contact page, I used paper mats behind the frames. In the Fairy Tale Crown one, I used the Princess Pink Jeweltone paper from the Dream Trip Jeweltones Paper Pack, slightly darkened. There is a blue paper mat also behind the Sparkle frame. Both of these things do NOT come with the frames. I'm sorry about the confusion; I had meant to clarify that in the contact sheet & I forgot. (Also, shadows were added to some examples for the contact sheet; I believe none of the files have a shadow native to the frame.)
Seebee's Freebies Dream Trip Stamped Sayings

For personal use only. So, here's what I was busy with yesterday. It's a set of 30 .png word art files with a rubber stamped look. I got into that bumper sticker mentality and came up with some (hopefully) cute sayings. :) Obviously there wasn't room on the contact sheet to show all 30; sorry! Each stamp also arrives in a larger size than what is shown (they're 6 inches wide), in order to give you some resizing options. I will tell you that the "visited the World in 2007" has variations from 2000-2008. (Yes, I can tell there's a trip in your future. LOL!) Other stamps included are: My other ride is a monorail, I believe in magic, Princess In Training, Prince In Training, Going to my Happy Place, I'd rather be park hopping, Elevator Out Of Order, I've traveled the World (and I keep going back!), Official Crash Test Dummy, 4 Parks 1 Happy Family, and (in a nod to CA) 2 Parks 1 Happy Family. Whew, I think that's all, but I've probably forgotten something! Download it here:
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Seebee's Freebies Dream Trip Frames

For personal use only. Another add-on in the Dream Trip series. This is a set of 6 frames in .png format. You get: Fairy Tale Crown (horizontal & vertical versions), Marquee, Monster, Mouse Colors, and Sparkle frames. Download them here:
Monday, January 22, 2007
Seebee's Freebies Dream Trip Word Art

Here's 8 word art files from the Dream Trip series, in .png format, that would be suitable for embellishments or even titles for digipages. (Note that shadows were added to a few of the .pngs for the contact sheet.) Each file is shown to scale on the contact sheet, representing how much room they'd take up on a 12 x 12 inch page, but they can likely be resized up or down. Download them here:
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Seebee's Freebies Dream Trip Jeweltones Paper Pack

For personal use only. Another set of papers in the Dream Trip series. This set included: Dreams Come True, Magical, Princess Pink, and Magic Lamp. A big thanks to my friend Linda for her assistance with the creation of the Magic Lamp paper. Download them here:
Friday, January 19, 2007
Seebee's Freebies Pencil Scratch Alpha

I'm trying to expand my alpha collection; since I've got several ideas, you can expect a few more, too. Here's another one: Pencil Scratch. All caps, in this case, and each one is 2 inches tall at 300 ppi. Separate .png files again. Download it here: and ALTERNATE DOWNLOAD:
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Seebee's Freebies Circle Word Alpha

I'm offering my first alpha. It's a little plain; actually, just think of it as "classic". :) As it mentions on the contact sheet, each letter has a 4 inch diameter at 300 ppi and does NOT have a shadow, allowing you to add your own custom shadow if you wish. This was inspired by a font I have from Two Peas called "Ocean Crossing" that I love, plus there's a restaurant here in town that has a sign with this sort of look. Download it here:
Here's a close up to show detail:
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Error in KidArt .png file corrected
Boy, I was really off my game when I posted the KidArt files a while ago! LOL! Thanks to Elaine for pointing out that the .png chalk frame was unusable. There is a corrected full file available from the alternate 4shared link in the original post (I'm still working on the Savefile version), or if you need to download only the corrected chalk frame, you can do that here: Sorry for the problems, and hopefully everything's now correct.
Seebee's Freebies Lots O' Dots

For personal use only. Here's the world's messiest contact sheet! :) (And I had to leave stuff off of it, too; it was cluttered enough with what's on there.) This is a zipped file of 23 .pngs of various styles. You'll get wavy dot lines, a circle of dots, strips of dots, a star of dots, a heart of dots...I could go on, but you get the idea. All arrive as black-colored .png files, but as the contact sheet shows, feel free to recolor and resize things. (All sizes listed in the .png name are approximate.) And even though this isn't a Dream Trip file, three dots/circles make a lovely mouse head, right? :D So, this has something for everyone, I think! Download it here: and ALTERNATE DOWNLOAD:
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Seebee's Freebies Dream Trip Flip Side Paper Pack

I had a request for a few companion papers to be used for double page layouts & such. So, here's four papers, stripped down a bit and suitable for "page 2" of a double page LO. :) They actually would work well on their own, too. These are companion papers for Pixie, Princess Boutique, Silly Bear with Bees, and Cinder Girl. Download them here:
Monday, January 15, 2007
Seebee's Freebies Dream Trip Paper Pack 3

Sorry to flood you with paper packs at the moment! These were my weekend papers, and I just now finished getting them sorted & ready to download. These four papers are: Princess Boutique, Cinder Girl Sparkle, Hidden Mouse Black & White, and Magic Carpet. My thanks to my friend Nicole for her assistance with the Princess Boutique paper. Download them here:
Seebee's Freebies Dream Trip In Character Paper Pack

For personal use only. Here we have 4 papers: Princess Bella, Clownfish, Dalmation, and Pixie. Download them here:
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Seebee's Freebies Dream Trip Mountains Paper Pack

Papers with artistic representations of some of Florida's most famous mountains. :) (Forgive my liberal use of the word "artistic"!) Download them here:
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Seebee's Freebies Dream Trip Paper Pack 2

Another set of trip-inspired papers. (Thank you, little girl, for taking long afternoon naps so Mommy can work!) :) Here we have: Castle, Fireworks, Dome Ball, and Silly Bear with Bees. (Ok, my naming could use some work!) Download them here:
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Seebee's Freebies Dream Trip Paper Pack 1

For personal use only. The first of what will hopefully be several paper packs inspired by my upcoming trip. Here we have four papers: Cindergirl, Galactic Fighter, Lady Mouse Patches, and Magician's Apprentice. All are the usual 12 x 12 inch, 300 ppi .jpg format paper. Download them here:
Monday, January 8, 2007
Seebee's Freebies Magic Dust Pack

The first of a few kits that are being inspired by my upcoming trip to a popular central Florida vacation spot. (I figured I'd get a head start on my scrapping for that trip by beginning to create some things.) :) So, this is a kit that contains 3 .png files that can be used to help embellish your photos with a little magic! Download them here:
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