If you're here in the US, you probably know that the day after Thanksgiving is a big shopping day. It's called "Black Friday" since it's meant to get a lot of retailers back in the black, so to speak. ;) (Useless Beasley Trivia: anytime I hit one of the big sales, I always start my driving trip with Steely Dan's Black Friday although the song doesn't have anything to do with shopping.) Here's a little Dream Trip offering in the spirit of Black Friday. Celebrate your Dream Trip souvenir shopping spree with these cute embellishments! BTW, it's fairly easy to add a strip of black behind the hand & create an arm if you'd like. And the purse & bag cutouts are reversible if you want to have two hands.
You can download it here: http://www.4shared.com/file/160584614/f0d5791b/DTShoppingDay_by_Seebee.html